& Canada by Funimation, the Dragon Ball anime franchise consists of 20 feature films and four TV series. Produced by Toei Animation and distributed in the U.S. Toei Animation Inc., and its agent Funimation announced licensing gains for the iconic Dragon Ball franchise. These licensing agreements with both new and existing licensees span numerous product categories and include the game titles Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, and Dragon Ball FighterZ and the TV series Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT as well as Dragon Ball Super, the complete series (Eps 1 – 131) of which is now available as of Octoin English dub on Hulu. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ - On the heels of last year's global 30th anniversary of Dragon Ball Z, Toei Animation Inc., and its agent Funimation announced licensing gains for the iconic Dragon Ball franchise since Licensing Expo 2019.